Thursday, September 6, 2018


One day lord Brahma and lord Vishnu were quarrelling about who is more powerful and greater than other.Brahma said I am the best, because I am the creator of the world. Lord Vishnu smiled and said you have no power to protect the world. I am the protector and preserver of the world. I protect the world from every disaster so i am the best. 

Suddenly a stone  appeared front of lord Brahma and lord Vishnu. They were surprised about the stone .lord Brahma asked to stone  who are you.., very heavy voice came out from the stone. I am shiva
I will help you to proof who is the best. If anybody find end of this stone he will be the most powerful. Lord Brahma decided he go to upper side of this stone and lord Vishnu go to lower side of this stone ,after many years they can't find the end. Lord Vishnu returned and lord Brahma saw a ketaki flower Brahma deal with ketaki that when brahma will meet with Vishnu kataki will tell a lie to Vishnu that Brahma found the end of this stone. Brahma returned to Vishnu and said I found the stone end and ketaki is my witness so I am the best. 

Suddenly stone is burst and lord Shiva come out from the stone he angrily said to Brahma that you're lying you never seen my end I curse you no one will worship to you and Vishnu I bless you that you and your all avatars will be worshipped,and ketaki you also a layer so I never accept your worship that reason ketaki flower strictly ban for lord Shiva worship. lord Vishnu and lord Brahma never seen the end of Shiva, that reason Shiva called Adi and Ananta (old and end less) this is the story of lord Shiva birth. 

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This avatar is the first avatar of Vishnu in early vedic age many puranas told this story. This story based on start a new age. Manu is the...