Saturday, September 15, 2018


This avatar is the first avatar of Vishnu in early vedic age many puranas told this story. This story based on start a new age. Manu is the main part of this story .who is manu- accordingly  Vishnu Purana manu-manusha,father of all humans ,manusha name came from manu...Manu was a sage cum king.

One day a giant aygrib went to Brahma lok (land of Brahma), very cleverly he stole four Veda and escaped from there he took shelter into the sea ,lord Vishnu watched everything .he understand that without Veda all knowledge gone from the world and world fulfill with negative energy and world will be finish within few days it's nesesarry to rescue the Veda from Aygrib otherwise Brahma can't recreate the world. Lord Vishnu turn him to a fish form and he went to the sea and find out Aygrib and kill him with his sudarshan chakra (a weapon like spinning disc) and rescue the four Veda. 

One day king satyabrat(manu )were bathing in the river suddenly he saw a small fish in his hand. He went to release the fish but the fish requested to him about his protection from big fish. King satyabrat was very kind heart person he kept the fish in his kumandali (small water pot) after few hours later the fish grew  up manu kept him in a big water pot after one hour the fish again grew up manu kept him in a  pond after few hours later the fish again grew up ,manu kept him in a river after few hours later again the fish grew up,manu kept him in a sea .Now manu understand that this is not a ordinary fish. The fish must be lord Vishnu. 
Vishnu back to his main form and told, after seven days later  flood will be come and the world will be fulfill by water so you must make a big ark and take all types of animals, trees and medicine sid and you will be wait for me, i will be come then lord Vishnu disappear from there. within seven days many completed his work as vishnu said. After seven days later flood has come lord Vishnu appear in a one horn gold fish form he use vasuku(a snake) for connect the ark with his horn and he reached to mount Himalaya (only one place of the world that water can't touch his top) after few months later when all water is gone then Manu start a new life so manu called father of all human being ,this is the story of matsya avatar. 


This avatar is the first avatar of Vishnu in early vedic age many puranas told this story. This story based on start a new age. Manu is the...