Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Introduction of Indian mythology

            Introduction of Indian mythology
Indian mythology near about 7500 B. C old many ancient books told us about Indian mythology. Most ancient book is veda.Veda divided by four part RIG VEDA, ATHARVA VEDA, SAM VEDA and YAJUR VEDA. veda written in devnagari language, all Veda connected with each other. Two holly epic is RAMAYANA and MAHABHARATA and most sacred book is SRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA and lots of PURANA made wealthy Indian mythology. Hindus most powerful God is trinity -Lord Shiva, lord Vishnu and lord Brahma. Lord Brahma know as a creator, lord Vishnu as a preserver cum protector and lord Shiva is the destroyer. Shiva destroy every negative energy. Most powerful goddess is adi shakti. Adi shakti divided in many forms like Maa durga, maha Kali, Devi laxmi and Devi saraswati. Other famous God is lord Ganesha ,lord Krishna and lord Rama. Time divided in four parts in Hindu mythology like SATYA YUGA, TRETA YUGA, DWAPAR YUGA AND KALI YUGA. http://malay 777.blogspot.comhttps://malay777.blogspot.comhttps://malay777.blogspot.com

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This avatar is the first avatar of Vishnu in early vedic age many puranas told this story. This story based on start a new age. Manu is the...